In the first weeks we were given the time to choose a topic within the categories: sexuality, gender or race. I was attracted by the subject of sexuality and because of this I formed a group with Juliƫn and Emme.
Stereotypes within sexuality appealed to us as a topic within our category. How people are portrayed in movies and TV series. That the queer guy is often the villain in cartoons. The woman as a stupid naif type. etc. Here we have looked up some examples of gay villains.
We thought it was very crazy to see stereotypes in cartoons at a young age. The beautiful princess who is always saved by the muscular prince by the scary enemy. We loved playing with this and turning this all the way around to something more realistic. A fairy tale set in 2021 with the inclusiveness of today.
Pablo gave us some examples of books that already work with this.
Our end product:
Love in Queertopia
