In the first lesson, we received an introduction of module C. We also did two exercises where we had to switch seats and where you move your body language and the location of your backpack. I thought this was a very good assignment to do. This made me more aware of my body language in public transport. Which I never thought about before. But small movements that you do not think about also change the attitude of the people around you. That really pleases me the next time I use public transport.
For week 2 we were instructed to choose one gesture found in public transport and to research the social implication, political symbolic and cultural histories around this gesture. Our group (Tamara, Eli and I) chose to choose the gesture: Looking at your smartphone. And how our body behaves in public transport when we are doing this gesture. We made a movie where you see 10 different situations that occur in public transport with involvement to look on your smartphone.
Your smartphone is indispensable in this time in which we now live. Especially not in public transport. That's why we wanted to play with this in our video.
For the third week we went for a walk with Gabriel. A walk where we all walked behind each other and were not allowed to say anything. The other walk we had to close our eyes and follow the first leader for 20 minutes. I thought this was a fun exercise. A very good way to listen carefully to what is happening around you. Normally I always have my earplugs in and I am never concerned with listening to my surroundings. You had to use your senses well to know what is happening around you. Feeling with your feet whether you were walking on grass, hearing whether oncoming traffic was coming, etc.
In this week we were also instructed to choose an object or a system you find in public transport networks, that restrict or favors freedom of movement. We made a movie about security cameras. How they haunt us and we as humans hardly ever think about it. We have imitated it with our eyes.
For the last week we had to choose a situation of a transportation network. We immediately came up with the idea of wanting to transform the NS announcer. We find her emotionless and robotic. When you hear her, she always brings bad news. Bad news that can sometimes have major consequences for you as a traveler. An example of this is, for example, that you can lose your job or maybe miss your flight. We wanted to transform this into a voice that shows compassion and sounds more 'human'.
Presentation Document:
(Full video is on Teams)
(Full video is on Teams)
(Full video is on Teams)